You can know more than you think!
MyDays is your Tool to learn more about yourself.
- Simplicity: A full month calender where you can see all your special days (“My Days”) in an graphical overview.
- Tracking: Just with a fingertip you are able to add a new “Start of Period”. Now all upcoming Periods and Days of highest fertility are calculated for the Future. It is just safer to plan your next holiday or trip, knowing if you will have your days in that time or not. Maybe you are planing to make your baby while you are in vacation, just have a look if your Ovulation happens in that time.
- Extras: You may not only Track your Period, its easy now to keep in Mind when you had last Time Sex, when you took your Pill, your Temperature and many more. All this additional Information’s make it comfortable to have all important days tracked with your Mobile Phone.

- Multi-Users: Some Woman really have fun to share there Application with her best Friends (if they dont have an own Period Calculator), or within the Family (Mother, Daugther)
- BMT Basal Tracking: Track your Basal Temperatures easily.
- Weight Tracking: Track your Weight.
You can view this Data in a Chart where this and other Informations come together in a Graphical Overview. - ListView: Should u like to see just all your Entries in a Listview, also that’s possible just by a Click. You are also able to set a Filter and TimeRange.
- Online Backup: Save your Data on our MyDays Cloud Server and/or choose your Dropbox. Also Wifi and eMail Backup is possible.
- Symptoms Tracking:More than 20 different Symptoms from Nausea over Bodyaching till Hiccups you can track nearly everything.
- Mood: One Day happy, the other Sad, now you never forget.
- Short Touch Overview: Choose this Feature in the Settings and touch a Day just short to see all saved Data in the Infobar, or touch the Day longer to edit your Data.
- Notifications: Come informed by Notifications for upcoming Events, like your next Period/Ovulation or when you have to change your NuvaRing.
- Photo Memory: Attach a Photo Memory to your Days.
- OPK , Cervix und Cervical Mucus: Lot’s of Features to track your hormonal Changes.
- Pregnancy Mode: And for the happy Mommies, here you can track your Symptoms and see your Due Date
- It’s FREE !! This Software does not cost you a Cent!
- Where do I get this Application?
Just have a look in the iTunes Store for iOS Devices and Google Play for your Android Mobile. Search for “My Days” . - Pro Version The Pro Version has all the same great Features and additionally its absolutely ADs-Free !
A simple to read Calendar
Individual Color Configuration
Great Chart Overview
History List for a faster Overview
Cycle Overview
Enjoy this Application!
Also keep in Mind: The best Protection is to protect, Nature can be Surprising and just to avoid Pregnancy by Math Calculation is not very safe. It’s in your Responsibility.
MyDays is great when you like to come Pregnant, by predicting your future high Fertile Days and Ovulation. To know this Days increases the chance to come pregnant potentially.